Thursday, September 6, 2012

Commemoration now hosted by Clark Family

Great Hanging Commemoration now to be hosted by the Clark Family.   Commemoration will take place on Saturday, October 13, 2012.  

The Clark family has issued the following information:

Update - August 29,2012

On Monday night , August 27th, the Cooke County Heritage Society Executive Board of Directors met and made the unanimous decision to cancel “October’s Reign of Terror” due to lack of support. This two day event was the Commemoration of the Great Hanging of 1862, This educational event featured bus tours to local cemeteries, renowned authors and speakers, and a Civil War era ball.

HOWEVER - the Clark family will host a one-day event at the same location.

Remembering Our Past, Embracing Our Future
October 1862 - 2012
This year marks the 150th year since the Great Hanging at Gainesville. The Clark Family invites you to join them for commemoration events and catered luncheon.

Saturday, October 13, 2012 at the Civic Center
200 S. Rusk St, Gainesville, Texas

9am – 12noon Speakers – Richard McCaslin, Leon Russell, Ron Melugin and L.D. Clark

12noon Catered Luncheon

3:30pm Clark Cemetery
Color Guard Ceremony

5pm Clark-Carri Farm
629 Clark Rd Gainesville
Hor d’ oeuvres & Bonfire

RSVP - before October 5, 2012

Additional information contact Brenda Clark Fehlbaum – 214.803.9212 or
Colleen Clark Carri – 817.999.9551
This was posted Wednesday, August 29, 2012 11:32:00 PM


Anonymous said...

How is it that a private family can host the event and a community could not? The city and county probably do not want to support it. Just remember it was the Gainesville city and Cooke county leaders 150 years ago, who took 40 some men and hanged them just because they were patriotic and loved their country. Seems that nothing has changed. How can Gainesville call itself patriotic?

Anonymous said...

Actually I am happy to see the Clark family host the event. It was too expensive for my family to attend the event by the historical committee.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see Leon Russell on the agenda for the event. He was the one who started the Great Hanging commemoration years ago. He should be given recognition for all he has done!

Anonymous said...

I, too, am glad to see the Great Hanging commemoration change sponsor/host now to the Clark family. Holding the event to just one day is better. The price charged by the Cooke County Heritage Society was a little too steep for my pocket book. I will now be able to attend. Thanks Clark family!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for keeping us updated about this event.

Unknown said...

Correction to the address for the Civic Center:

311 S. Weaver Street


Anonymous said...

I hear that the movie Black October
will be shown in Gainesville the same weekend Oct 13th,seperate from Clark function