Henry Cockrum 1,2,3,4,5,6 was born about 1831 in , , Missouri. He died on 13 Oct 1862 in Gainesville, Cooke, Texas as a victim of "The Great Hanging at Gainesville, Texas, 1862".
Research notes for Henry Cockrum
Possible 1850 census entry for Henry Cockrum?? According to the probate record in the Cooke County records, Henry's wife was Elizabeth. In the marriage records for Cooke Co. in 1866, Amandy Cockrum married Wm. Elliott. Could Amandy (Amanda) who married in 1866 be the "A. Cochran" in the census record below??
In the 1850 Fannin County, Texas census, household #1
Henry (Harry) Cockran, age 19, farmer, born Missouri
Elizabeth Cockran, age 26, born Kentucky
A. Cockran, age 2/12 months, female, born Texas
Jno. W. Petell, age 6, born Illinois
M. Petell age 10, female, born Illinois
A. Jones, age 2, female, born Texas

Henry married Elizabeth (?) . Elizabeth was born in , , Kentucky.
What was Elizabeth's maiden name? Who are the Petell children in the home? Was Elizabeth married before Henry Cockrum to a Petell?
1. Gainesville Great Hanging Sources."One of forty-two Union sympathizing citizens of North Texas who were charged with treason against the Confederacy by a Citizens Court in Gainesville, Cooke County in October 1862 and then executed in the Great Hanging at Gainesville.References:1. Richard B. McCaslin, "Tainted Breeze, The Great Hanging at Gainesville, Texas, 1862" (Baton Rouge, Louisiana: Louisiana State University Press, 1994).2. George W. Diamond, "Account of the Great Hanging at Gainesville, 1862" SOUTHWESTERN HISTORICAL QUARTERLY, Vol. 66, no. 3, January, 1963, p. 331-414, edited by Sam Acheson and Julie Ann Hudson O'Connell.3. James L. Clark, "Civil War Recollections of James Lemuel Clark, Including Previously Unpublished Material On The Great Hanging at Gainesville, Texas In October, 1862" (College Station, Texas: Texas A&M University Press, 1984).".
2. George Washington Diamond's Account of the Great Hanging at Gainesville, 1862, ManuscripteEdited by Sam Acheson and Julie, The Southwestern Historical Quarterly, pg .397, Vol. LXVI, January, 1963, No. 3.George W. Diamond was a brother of secessionists, John R. Diamond and James J. Diamond, who was a principal in the Great Hanging. After the hangings and the adjournment of the court, Diamond was given the records for the purpose of "preserving them and so disposing of them that the history of its (Citizen's Court) transactions might be perpetuated and justice done to those who participated in its deliberations. Diamond's compilation of "memoranda" was to be offered to the public as a just vindicaton of the conduct of those whose judgements were under national criticism. The members of the court examined Diamond's account and gave their unanimous and unqualified approval.
"pg 397The State vs. C. A. Jones("HumpBack"), James Powers ("Carpenter"), Eli M. Scott, Thomas Baker ("Old Man"), Geo W Anderson, Abraham McNeese, Henry Cochran ("30"), C.F. Anderson, Wm Wernell, B.F. Barnes ("35 or 40"), Wm Rodes, and N. M. Clark ("25").Disloyalty & Treason.The testimony against the above mentioned conspirators corresponds with the testimony herein before produced on the trial of Childs, Fields, Harper, Lock, and others. They all acknowledged their connection with the organization, and made full confession of their guilt at the gallows.===pg 398 Witness in trial against Ramey DayBen F. Barnes sworn.(Witness)I was at the meeting at Richie's Mill. Dr. Foster said the object of the meeting was to resue Harper; and he wanted us to take our guns and go -- myself and Ramey Dye. The reason we did not go to rescue Harper was because a messenger (Essman) told us that there were a great many soldiers in Gainesville and we were then afraid."
3. Connor, Seymour V. , Peters Colony of Texas, A History and Biographical Sketches of the Early Settlers, Texas State Historical Association; Austin; 1959."page 222
"Henry Cockrum was issued a certificate by the county court of Cooke County for 640 acres. Since his claim was later disallowed, it is doubtful that he was a bona fide colonist."
(**note: There is also a Edward Cockrum listed as receiving a certificate for 320 acres in Cooke County and in 1857 having his claim also disallowed.)."
4.Probate Record, Cooke County Probate Book 1, page 380-381, Sep 1863.
"Cooke County Probate Book 1, page 380-381, 5 September 1863
(bottom of page 380 and continuing on top of page 381)
Appraisement Bill of the Community property of Henry Cockrum, Decd
70 head of sheep @ $4 280.0035 head of stock cattle @$9 315.001
Yoke of Oxen $100 & 19 head of horses @ $80 1620.00
1span mules $400 & 1 bay horse $200 600.00
2 head of hogs @ $10 160 acres of land @$2 340.00
160 acres of land & improvements 250.00
2 setts of harnes & one wagon 175.00
Farming tools $25 2 log chains $14 39.00
1 corss but saw $10 1 box of tools $15 35.00
1 note $80 Debt on Doct Martin $350 430.00
1 block $25 Household furniture $150 175.00
2 steers @ $40 80.00
Total $4,329.00
Page 381The State of TexasCounty of Cooke
This is to certify that I have made a true and correct exhibit of all the property belonging
to the estate of Henry Cockrum Decd, that has come to my knowledge.
(signed)Elizabeth Cockrum
Sworn to subscribed before me this 28th day of September AD 1863
Saml Gooding, Clerk."
5. 1850 U.S. Census, Texas, Fannin County, Household #1, pg 142."In the 1850 Fannin County, Texas census, household #1
Henry (Harry) Cockran, age 19, farmer, born MissouriElizabeth Cockran, age 26, born KentuckyA. Cockran, age 2/12 months, female, born TexasJno. W. Petell, age 6, born IllinoisM. Petell age 10, female, born IllinoisA. Jones, age 2, female, born Texas."
6. Land/Deed Records."Cooke County Deed Records
3 July 1858Purchased 160 acres
8 July 1858Purchased 100 acres."