Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Great Hanging at Gainesville by Dr. Richard McCaslin

On October 24, 2013, Dr. Richard McCaslin gave an informative presentation about the 'Great Hanging at Gaineville' at the Allen Public Library.  It was published on YouTube November 8, 2013. 

In this YouTube video, "Dr. Richard McCaslin presents an account of a horrifying yet oft-forgotten episode in North Texas history at the Allen Public Library. History is replete with tales of tragic events that should not have happened. Pretending these never existed only increases the chances of re-occurrence; so learning about them will hopefully deter the repeat of another dismal or shameful event. What has come to be known as "The Great Hanging at Gainesville" proves this point. Unlike most of Texas, counties along the Red River, including Collin, voted against secession just prior to the Civil War. Acrimony between pro-Union and pro-Confederate forces in the state was rampant; Texan against Texan hostilities were more venomous than Northerner against Southerner."

Dr. Richard McCaslin is the author of the book pictured above, "Tainted Breeze, The Great Hanging at Gainesville, Texas, 1862."  McCaslin's book, published in 1994, is the definitive source for information concerning the Great Hanging at Gainesville.  He gives a "fair and balanced" narrative of the Great Hanging that took place at Gainesville, Texas in October, 1862.

Link for the above YouTube video:  (

1 comment:

USAFA MOM said...

Has there been any information available on James A Ward who was hung in Gainesville?